Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Graduation

Todd took us to Nashville to catch the plane for Florida. David went with us to Zachary's graduation. Zach got a PHD degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville. This is the fourth graduation we've been to this year. We just have amazing grandchildren don't we?

We got a tour of Scott's house.

Gpa was incarcerated at the airport..

We found a seafood restaurant in Stark...Cedar River Seafood. Yummm!

This is where we stayed in Gainesville.

Dr. Whalen and Mrs. Dr. Whalen...

Dad and Mom and Gma and Gpa. Stacy's parents were there too, but I didn't get their picture.

The Burka support group and adoring fans.

Paul treated 14 people to a celebratory dinner at the Asian Fusion Restaurant for Zachary. His professors and their wives came and make speeches about how wonderful Zachary is.

Wehad fish and rice and miso soup and ginger salad and red bean ice cream.

There goes David ...

When we checked in at the airport in Jacksonville, John was wanded again.

David had preached to him about carrying a knife in his pocket. Well guess who had a knife in his backpack. After they were through frisking John, we had to wait for David. They took him away to mail his knife home


Sunday, August 03, 2008