Friday, December 08, 2006


Hi Family!Here's the schedule for meals during our foray to the mountains. Anything wrong or bad, take it up with G-ma. I'm declaring her the boss-lady.Have a great week!Laura Marie24thChristmas Chili (g-ville burkas)25thDinner provided by cousins: Laura Marie: Pies and Cake Sam: Mac & Cheese and probably something else Amy: Rolls and table setting Andrew: Drinks Zach& Stacy: Salad Scott & Todd: drugs and fruit The Kings: Ham and Turkey26thbirthday dinner by Nashville burkas27thdinner by Whalen familyOatmeal daily by Uncle PaulBreakfast by Butcheggs, OJ, Milk by Aunt Rosebring lunches, cereal, and drinks for your own family
Gma will bring her famous green salad of course..I'll also bring two pounds of bacon .


gmaburka said...

David Burka has volunteered to do the dishes!

gmaburka said...

I will also bring lots of hot chocolate mix and some chia tea to fix Zachary's recipe.