Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tennessee A&I Fair

We have been in the Kerr building for a week now...NOT AIR CONDITIONED...It gets to you around 6:00 p.m. You are ready to go home and you have 4 more hours to sit there ...We sit and guard the pottery and ceramics. No one has tried to steal them yet, so I guess we are doing our job. The The"girls" sang "Happy Anniversary" to us yesterday and gave us a card signed by everybody. Betty let us out for lunch and Puleos and she let us leave early. We got calls from David and Melissa and Todd..
Today we will be at the fair from 10 to 10...Rose is coming over this afternoon to sit with us and sell her jewelry.

1 comment:

Rose said...

I get hot and tired just reading about the Fair...Did you eat beans again today?