Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adventure up the Jakes Creek Trail October 11,, 2012

We started  our fall mountain trips with a hike up the Jakes Creek trail.  We were looking for the Mayna Avent cabin and we had quite an adventure.It is a place that not many people even know about in the Smokies.  The ranger  that I asked had not heard of it.  We walked on a pretty sunny day with our friends and when we got to the Cucumber Gap sign , we went to the right.  We came to a clearing with a horse barn on it and we were trying to decide which way to go when three hikers came up from the other side of the barn.  They said we had taken a wrong turn and they would show us the right trail to the cabin.

Sammie started after them and I got behind so that at one point we were all separated on the trail...John and Mark were way behind me.  The hikers said they would put a brush pile  to mark the steps down to the cabin trail so when I got to it, I yelled for Sammie but didn't hear her.  I started down the trail and there she was on a skinny log bridge.  We finally got to the cabin . 

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