Friday, June 09, 2006

Pizza Pickles and Potato Chips


June 8, 2006
Glenda and I went to see Betty today in Maryville. Betty took us to her favorite goodwill stores and to Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby now has 100% wool yarn for felting. I may get some for a winter purse. I got some black cotton yarn for a summer..fall pocketbook . I found the crochet pattern in the book that Rose loaned me..."stich'nbitch crochet". We all spent about three dollars and we got new clothes, shoes, and garden decorations. I got a lovely rock for my path, and a pure linen blouse. Betty took us to Schloskies for lunch. We ordered the thing she always orders which was vegetarian pizza and jalapeno potato chips . When we picked up the pizza we got big dill pickles with it. So our lunch was pizza ,potato chips ,and pickles ..very strange. I highly recommend it. Good!
We had a great time...It was a nice girls day out...


Mrs B said...

A balanced diet of the 3 P's. As long as you didn't eat ice cream WITH the pickles, I guess it's OK.

Rose said...

Ymm you are making me hungry....wait, how did M get her picture in the comment section? Is is cooler than me too?