Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ice cream cones

For the last four nights we have gone to Fountain City Park to walk around three times...(a mile) , and then we go get an ice cream cone at the creamery or at the new marble slab. At the marble slab we get double chocolate with cherries ..At the creamery we get raspberry chocolate truffle. Good!! It has been so hot that we have to stay in until 8:00 p.m. We still go out in the mornings to exercise class and to the swim class. The rest of the day we read or work jigsaw puzzle...Rose gets home today, so perhaps our lives will get more exciting...


Mrs B said...

Maybe the walking offsets the ice cream. Sounds like fun! Yes, things will get interesting when Rose returns. Can't wait to hear about her trip!

burkalishiousness said...

That ice cream sounds yummy. I had some black raspberry chip ice cream once. It was raspberry with huge chunks of dark chocolate bars in it. So yummy! You're making me hungry.